Althingi Anthology Project

Althingi Anthology Project

It’s finally announcement time!

I have been keeping this secret for MONTHS, but seeing some others spill the beans, I couldn’t contain my excitement any longer!

A few months ago, I was approached by the excellent co-editting team of Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad and Joshua Gillingham (a good friend of mine, and the author of The Gatewatch.) These two legends offered me the incredible privilege to contribute a rip-roaring, Tenth-Century Viking tale for the Althingi Anthology, now available from Outland Entertainment!

The Althingi was an annual gathering in medieval Iceland, whereby the Viking landowners and nobles used their influence to settle disputes, create laws, and hand out judgments.

The Anthology will tie in with the Althingi board game, a “quick set-up, fast-play game of strength and influence for 2-4 players based in Viking-Age Iceland. Each player takes on the role of a powerful Chieftain and tries to take control of the annual gathering known as the Althingi through bribery, coercion, and intimidation.”

The publisher is the venerable Outland Entertainment, known for many SFF genre projects with some incredible creators.

This particular project is truly epic in scope and concept. Currently there is a Kickstarter campaign for the game, with some amazing stretch goal upgrades available, so please check it out and share with your friends!

I’m so grateful to be counted among a host of talented and exceptional contributers for Althingi. I can’t wait to read their stories!

More details as the release gets closer, but for now, I am excited to share this news with you, and so pleased to be a part of such a wonderful and history-focused project.

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One thought on “Althingi Anthology Project

  1. Congratulations.Exciting news,indeed How do I contribute to the Kickstart campaign?

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